ARMMAN’s High-Risk Pregnancy Programme Expands to Uttar Pradesh

ARMMAN, in partnership with the Government of Uttar Pradesh and UNICEF, launched the Integrated High Risk Pregnancy Tracking and Management (IHRPTM) programme, by beginning training of health workers in Sambhal and the aspirational district of Shravasti, in the presence of Chief Medical Officers and Additional Chief Medical Officers of the districts.

According to National Family Health Survey – 5 (NFHS-5), 53% pregnant women in Sambhal and 41% pregnant women in Shravasti suffer from anaemia. The increased prevalence of high risk conditions like anaemia among pregnant women in the two districts emphasises the need to strengthen the public health system towards management, care and timely referrals of pregnant women, for healthier outcomes. 

The IHRPTM programme is implemented by ARMMAN in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, in partnership with UNICEF and the respective State Governments. As part of the programme, ARMMAN has  developed 35 comprehensive, evidence-based, colour-coded, simplified algorithmic guidelines for end-to-end management of all antenatal high-risk factors for health workers at every level of the health system. Of these, protocols for 18-20 high-risk conditions were adapted for Telangana (based on the state’s mortality data) and Andhra Pradesh and accepted as policy by the states.