
Donate Now

ARMMAN India is a trust registered with the Charity Commissioner's Office, Mumbai (Registration Number E25192) under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.ARMMAN India is tax exempt non profit organization under section 80G of the Income tax act (ORDER No. DIT(E)/MC/80G/1093/2009-2010). All donations made to ARMMAN India are tax deductible

NRI / Foreign Nationals

Please contact (0) 22 6166 8948

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Donor's Email
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In the name of: ARMMAN

Payable at: Mumbai, Maharashtra

Address: ARMMAN, 303-B, Alpha, Main Street, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai 400076

Please enclose your contact information (name, address, email and phone number) and specify which project you want to donate to. For statutory and legal reasons in compliance with the laws in India, we need to have your name, address and Income Tax Permanent Account number (PAN) with each donation made by you. We will mail a receipt once the cheque is received. If you prefer an e-receipt then please ensure you include your email address. You can also email the information to

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