NRIs/Foreign Nationals

NRIs/Foreign Nationals

ARMMAN USA is registered under Inland Revenue Section 501(c)(3), which makes your donations tax exempt. (EIN number: 27-1523964).

We have a zero overheads policy and 100% of all funds collected through ARMMAN USA go directly towards the selected projects of ARMMAN India. ARMMAN USA volunteers bear all administrative and operational expenses.

Donor Name
Phone Number
Donor's Email
Zip Code

In the name of: ARMMAN USA

Payable at: Mumbai, Maharashtra

Address: ARMMAN USA, PO Box 3104, Bellevue, WA 98009, USA.

Please enclose your contact information (name, address, email and phone number) and specify which project you want to donate to. We will mail a receipt once the cheque is received. If you prefer an e-receipt then please ensure you include your email address. You can also email the information to

Integration Kit
Parameter Name:Parameter Value:
Compulsory information
Merchant Id :
Order Id :
Currency :
Redirect URL :
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